Let’s try another 1-2 Punch, shall we? Top 10 lists are too much; Top 5 lists invite too many opportunities for throwing in a hipster, obscuro choice to distinguish oneself from the raging masses. What I’d like to know is what TWO (2) songs you would choose from an artist’s catalog to say as much about that artist that you believe represents said artist’s core as possible? In other words, if you could only use TWO (2) songs from an artist’s catalog to explain all that said artist is about to a Venusian, what TWO (2) songs would you pick to represent said artist’s place in rock ‘n roll?
I’ll pose two artists and you—love ’em or leave ’em—give me each artist’s representative 1-2 Punch. Dig? Here goes!

Boy From the North Country

Girl From the North Country
I’m not gonna try to be too fancy with this one
Bob: Blowin’ in the Wind
Like a Rolling Stone
Joni: River
Free Man in Paris
Bobby Zimmerman:
Like a Rolling Stone
A Simple Twist of Fate
Joni “I have Morgellon’s Syndrome” Mitchell:
Big Yellow Taxi
Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow
Bob Dylan:
Like A Rolling Stone
Don’t Think Twice It’s All Right
Joni –
Don’t know a single song from Joni
Dylan: Like a Rolling Stone & Tangled Up in Blue
Mitchell: Big Yellow Taxi & Free Man in Paris
Dylan: Positively 4th Street, I Don’t Believe You (!)
Mitchell: Big Yellow Taxi and The Circle Game
Dylan – Like a Rolling Stone and Forever Young (scathing rocker and a beautiful mellow tune)
Joni – Big Yellow Taxi and I guess Coyote (representing the folky side and the jazzy side. Also, they’re the only two songs I really know by her)
1. Hurricane
2. Jokerman
1. Dreamland
2. Woodstock
Dylan: The Times They Are A’Changing
Lay Lady Lay
Joni: Big Yellow Taxi
Free Man In Paris
Highway 61 Revisited (surreal and fun)
Positively 4th Street (angry and mean-spirited)
Songs To Aging Children Come (wistful)
Free Man in Paris (sophisticated)
Bob Dylan — I’d pick Like a Rolling Stone (wordy, big verses, big band, snarky lyrics) and I Threw It all Away (concise, classic song structure, restrained accompaniment, older and wiser lyrics).
Joni Mitchell — I’d pick A Case of You (innocent, folky, soprano) and Free Man in Paris (mature, jazzy, alto).
Dylan: “Highway 61 Revisited” is blues, folk, rock, imaginative and grounded. Really impressive. “If Not For You” Good vibes on that one (Probably should play the Venutians “Like a Rolling Stone”, though).
Joni: “Chelsea Morning” and “Help Me” ( I forgot about “Free Man in Paris” until logging in here).
1. Visions of Johanna
2. Blind Willie McTell
1. Little Green
2. Coyote
I forgot about Woodstock. I really like that one.