Some of you are aware of my longtime struggles with the works of David Bowie. I’ve come a long way, but there are still issues to explore.
Recently I was discussing the artist with a friend. He’s a longtime Bowie lover–with limits. Although we’ve been generally like-minded music friends for years, we were a bit surprised to realize that, after accounting for his limits in loving this artist, we had essentially the same views on the man, for instance, agreeing that The Man Who Sold the World and Diamond Dogs pretty much sucked and that Let’s Dance was worthy of Rock Crimes.
As part of the discussion on Let’s Dance, we candidly acknowledged the superiority of “Blue Jean”, which was considered a weak lead-off single from Tonight, Bowie’s disappointing follow-up album to his mainstream blockbuster, to anything on Let’s Dance. Then, as is often when the two of us get together, our deep rock discussion on Bowie turned especially candid.
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