Feb 082013

As we come together to determine—once and for all—the Saddest Story in Rock, we are reminded of just how painful the road to artistic enlightenment can be. It is not for us to judge why any of the following artists came to such sad conclusions, only to assess which life story is saddest. [Please note the box of tissues sitting on the coffee table between us.]

The nominees and the RTH People’s Poll for the Saddest Story in Rock follow…after the jump!

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Feb 072013

Townspeople, it’s time we determine—once and for allThe Greatest Use of the Electric Sitar in Rock ‘n Roll.

A show of hands for those of you who’ve jeopardized a close friendship by broaching this sensitive topic?

I feel your pain, brothers and sisters.


The selection committee, led by Townsman misterioso, has determined a fierce slate of contenders. This may be the end of some of our friendships, I’m sorry to say, but think of how our eventual determination—once and for all—of The Greatest Use of the Electric Sitar in Rock ‘n Roll will save future friendships and cut down on mistaken hits for that stupid Blue Swede version of “Hooked on a Feeling,” the one lacking the awesome electric sitar.

That’s right, the nominees and the RTH People’s Poll for Rock’s Worst Album-Naming Pattern follow…after the jump!

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Feb 072013

Townspeople, it’s time we determine—once and for all—Rock’s Worst Album-Naming Pattern. The selection committee, led by Townsman Al, has determined a half dozen worthy contenders. I challenge any one of you to get turned on by even one of these artist’s album-naming pattern. Even when you were a teenager you knew the following nominees were lame. The nominees and the RTH People’s Poll for Rock’s Worst Album-Naming Pattern follow…after the jump!

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Feb 072013

You can’t fake this excitement, man! All you can do is pile on with exciting finds of your own in this here All-Star Jam.

Feb 062013

Once and For All February continues with the goal of determining—once and for allRock’s Greatest Stage Name! This topic was suggested by Townsman cdm. As with all Once and For All February threads over the coming weeks, polls will be kept open through the rest of the month. Then, we will have determined—once and for all—all kinds of stuff that causes rock fanatics to yell at each other in a crowded bar.

No further arguments will be accepted, so plead your case in this thread!

The nominees and the RTH People’s Poll for Rock’s Greatest Stage name follow…after the jump!

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Feb 062013

Don’t bail on me, HVB. I’m used to you not answering direct questions in our occasional offlist conversations, but this question cannot be ignored.

I stumbled across this Justin Timberlake song while flipping stations in the car last night. It quickly caught my ear with its vaguely “Be Thankful For What You Got” vibe and odd (fake?) Earth Wind & Fire-style horns. I stuck with it. I even made it through the—SPOILER ALERT—rap break. And is that sampled swirling strings from the intro to Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes‘ “Wake Up Everybody” I hear at this song’s conclusion? Talk about a way to your Moderator’s heart!

Check this song out (don’t worry about actually watching the video). Can we agree on a contemporary pop song?


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