Feb 032013


OK, so Super Bowl XLVII’s extravaganza doesn’t promise much kick-ass rock ‘n roll or sweet soul music entertainment value for our demographic, but if the other 2 women from Destiny’s Child have kept in half the shape of Beyoncé the halftime show promises to be BOOTYLICIOUS.

Normal, with-it people are speculating whether Jay-Z will appear onstage with his woman. Uh-huh. Yeah… I’m anticipating/dreading an appearance by Stevie Nicks, flying in on a Welsh broom.

Someone’s going to have to pretend to play the sampled riff from that godawful Nicks song. Who’s it going to be? Lenny Kravitz? Dave Navarro? Lindsey Buckingham? Our nation’s go-to mixed-race symbol of post-Hendrix guitar cool for the masses, Slash?

Long before the halftime show, to help raise our collective sense of patriotism, did I read correctly that Alicia Keys is singing the National Anthem? You know what I’m talking about, geo! Find a role for my other homegirl Eve to ensure that I salute the flag!

I bet some of you have more to say on this historic event than I can muster at the moment. Let it all hang out: Jesus, deer antler spray, Harbowl… This is the NFL. This is Super Bowl Sunday. This is America. God is never wrong!

Feb 022013

For some strange reason I was listening to Delaney & Bonnie & Friends this week — and I just couldn’t get this old chestnut out of my head for a few days:

To me this is a great single — because as a kid — I knew the song, but had no idea who it was until many, many years later when I went through a fairly severe Eric Clapton phase.

I did a little RTH search and found this nugget by cdm on second-tier Supergroups:


There are some great songs mentioned in that thread, but what is your favorite Supergroup single? I look forward to your responses.

Feb 012013


There’s a detail from a photo of some Rolling Stones pinball game that sometimes appears in our rotating banner. Have you ever noticed that? The other day this image popped up for me and I noticed the words “Watch It!” near the image of Mick Jagger. You can see it in context in the second image at the following page I finally found, which includes multiple perspectives on this game. I thought about those words for a second, wondering what I might be watching for. Then it occurred to me: Is “Watch it!” the opening phrase that Mick exclaims before the riff of “Jumping Jack Flash” kicks off? Considering the game features Stones-related phrases throughout its face, perhaps that is the reference. I’ve never known what he says at the beginning of that song!


I learned that there were multiple versions of Rolling Stones arcade games. This cheesy Start Me Up version is not remotely appealing to me.

This is a pretty excellent game.There’s at least one KISS pinball game out there. They’ve probably branded a douche.

It figures there are Beatles pinball games, including Yellow Submarine and Beat Time. A driving game involving the Abbey Road album cover may have been interesting.

Did Bally ever make an actual Who Pinball Wizard game? You would think that would have been a gimme. Here’s an interesting nod to the cinematic Pinball Wizard. Perhaps this was Bally’s way of getting around licensing issues. Oh, look here! Pete Townshend must have had a stick up his butt against officially licensing his song to Bally. An even more blatant workaround follows:

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