Dec 082007

The Donald looks on enviously as Walter’s Beard is awarded an honorary degree

Whether you enjoy contemplating his beard or not, this is your chance to exercise your formidable, rippling brain muscles in pursuit of a special Walter Becker-edition RTH No-Prize, created to honor truly awesome displays of sheer brain power. This space is being intentionally left blank so that you might fill it with some creative, innovative, Becker-caliber thinkery; something that would really make Walter proud. Apply the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to the career arc of Black Oak Arkansas! Write a one-act play from the perspective of Neil Schon’s hair, ca. 1973! Examine the connections between Jacques Derrida’s “Of Grammatology” and Bad Company’s first album!

I look forward to your responses, not that I expect to actually get any.



  3 Responses to “RTH’s 1st Annual Walter Becker Think-power Concours de Elegance and Fish-Fry”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    I wholly support this exercise, Hrrundi! Thank you.

    Unfortunately, after my yearly, death-defying act of scaling my 24-ft ladder to clean our gutters and then watching The Squid and the Whale, the Becker-like qualities of my mind are currently blank. The Squid and The Whale, however, was FANTASTIC. It joins a small list of what I consider the greatest divorce movies ever. Totally lived up to what I’d hoped to get out of it.

  2. saturnismine

    “so…you like Pink Floyd, huh?”

  3. Thank you for your love, Rocktownhall.

    I will be watching from afar.

    Speaking of films, “How’zabout a kiss from your cousin Dupree?”

    HVB, I know yadig what I’m saying.

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