Dec 192007

Beginning tomorrow through the end of the year, Rock Town Hall will be posting a track for your consideration and enjoyment. However, each track will come wrapped – and not identified as something by an artist who may or may not be within your usual sphere of listening. The Townsperson who submits each track, however, will provide a brief note regarding what it means to him or her. Then we will ask you to open this gift of music, listen without prejudice, and comment. Your comments, positive, negative, or somewhere in-between will be welcome. It is only by commenting that you return each day’s generous gift.

We have a few contributors lined up. If you have a track that you would like to contribute…please send me a head’s up and your mp3 to headstache [at] gmail [dot] com. Please write up a little piece to accompany your gift. I’ll do my best to remove all digital traces of the artist, song title, etc. We like to be surprised!


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