Jan 312008
While you’re bemoaning this year’s Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza, consider halftime shows from simpler times, when halftime meant nothing else but taking a dump and grabbing more food and drink.
From the young and innocent days of Super Bowl VII…
And in honor of BigSteve’s home state, no matter where he’s presently headed, from Super Bowl XXIV…
Man. They don’t even try, do they? The NKL, that is. They’ve never tried apparently. Andy Williams looks like he feels like he’s playing to ten people that are taking a dump and carried a 10″ B&W Panasonic into the turlet with them.
Nice gig, huh?
I think it’s interesting that in less than 20 years the default musical style of the Super Bowl halftime has gone from the Broadway musical/TV special to the straight up Rock of Tom Petty.
Pete Fountain is actually really good, and combining him with a full marching band is actually musicohistorically interesting. The performance itself? Not so much. It’s all watered down.
But they can’t water down The Rock, man!
Can they?
Yeah, I was just thinking that Pete Fountain was playing a lot better than I remember. His tone used to irritate the shit out of me when he’d make his seemingly monthly appearance on the Tonight Show.
Did the Flaming Lips and Polyphonic Spree base their whole personae and stage acts on old Super Bowl halftime shows?
Good call, Alexmagic!
alex wrote:
Alex, excellent use of the plural form of ‘persona.’ An RTH first?
They went wild for the doves in 1972.
Perhaps it was the prospect of Garo Yepremian throwing a pass that got them all riled up.
As for the other one, well, hell. If you want to dump on it, OK, but remember – somewhere, Charles Schultz was watching that and softly weeping tears of joy.
My contender for Super Bowl halftime WTF belt? I give you Elvis Presto, introduced by Bob Costas at his best, and all in 3D: