Feb 212012

Real simple question: Beginning today, February 22, 2012, through April 5, 2012 (a span of 40 days), if you chose to give up one beloved rock ‘n roll indulgence for Lent what would it be?

Of course, I’d have to give up Rock Town Hall, but The People wouldn’t stand for that!


  7 Responses to “Rock ‘n Roll Lent”

  1. BigSteve

    I’m giving up heavy metal.

  2. I’ll give up free-form jazz explorations in front of festival crowds.


  3. I’m giving up Bob Dylan. I’m so committed that I’m giving him up for the other 326 days of 2012 too.

  4. 2000 Man

    I gave up regular Lent for Lent years ago, and I’ve managed to stay strong and not go back to it for decades now.

    I didn’t know I’d have a Rock N Roll Lent. So I’ll give up Led Zeppelin. Hell, I’ll just give up on them entirely because I’m dedicated that way!

  5. hrrundivbakshi

    I’d give up on all forms of classic rock radio. That would allow me to display the *form* of rock sacrifice — Rock gods, observe! HVB swears off the music he loves for a month! — but would actually involve no sacrifice at all. The classic rock station here in DeeCee is completely worthless. I swear, their entire playlist must be eight songs long.

  6. I remember an article in one of the Philly alt weeklies about 5 years ago in which they spent a day in a top 40 station. The playlist then was 36 songs. No joking. They couldn’t come up with 4 more songs? I guess at a certain point even the programmers start to ask themselves “what’s the point?”

  7. It may come as no surprise that it’s not just DeeCee that classic rock radio blows. It sucks here in Houston as well. If I didn’t know better, the only classic rock band there is (according to our station) is *ugh* Fleetwood Mac. You can pretty much set your clock to fact that they play a Mac song every fifteen minutes. I’ve also given it up for good. Oh, and we actually have 2 of these crappy stations!

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