All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Apr 112008

Screw Tim Armstrong! We love you Mr. Mod!


  4 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    I love each and every one of you, too. Even the guy who’s NOT Tim Armstrong!

    While I’m tied to The Man’s needs, may I remind you that this is YOUR ROCK TOWN HALL. If you’ve got the key to The Back Office, don’t be afraid to use it and craft some fresh Main Stage material. If you’ve got something to offer yet don’t have access to getting in there and doing so yourself, let us know. We can make something happen.

    That Nancy Sinatra-Lee Hazelwood post took a lot out of me. I’ve been listening to Mahmoud Ahmed all day while generally kicking ass. Stay tuned, but use the dead air as you see fit.

  2. trolleyvox

    I’ve been listening to Mahmoud Ahmed all day while generally kicking ass.

    The man has a lot of releases. Where to start, Mr. Mod?

  3. Mr. Moderator

    I’ve simply been downloading tracks from his collections in that Ethiopiques series that’s on eMusic. If I get the chance before the day is up, I want to post a few words and a few tracks by the man. If not this afternoon then probably tonight.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Gerry, I got the time to give this clip another view. It’s not bad, but I think I’d like it better if I could better see the women. That grainy, B&W Look of the video was cool at first, but I kept waiting for the Wizard of Oz-like moment when everything sprang into rich, vibrant color.

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