Sep 152008

I passed by a sign advertising an upcoming show in town here, went online to verify the identity of the artist(s), and was inspired to paste a photo. My question to you: who’s coming to Virginia next week to rock the house?

I look forward to your responses.



  10 Responses to “Guess Who’s Coming to Town?”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    That’s a stunning shot! Patrick Stewart’s got nothing on this cat. With the blue suit and blue shirt, I’m going to say it’s Screaming Blue Messiahs. Why not?

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    There *is* a Stewart-ian vibe to this aging rocker’s Look. But, sadly, you are WRONG.

  3. Mr. Moderator

    Can we go 20 questions with you, Hrrundi? If so, may I begin by asking if the handsome gent pictured is a UK rocker?

  4. mockcarr

    Looks like Rick Buckler. Glad to see he’s loosened up a bit – no skinny tie.

  5. hrrundivbakshi

    DINGDINGDINGDINGDING! Mockcarr comes through for the win! That is indeed Rick Buckler, formerly of the Jam, now playing drums for the band “From the Jam.” Yes, that’s what they’re called. State Street Theater, Sep.24 — be there!

    I should point out that Bruce Foxton’s new Look is the same as his old look — mullet included — but with new German glasses.

  6. mockcarr

    It’s not Bruce singing all of the Jam stuff, right?

  7. hrrundivbakshi

    No, they’ve got this amazing Weller simulacrum that sings all the non-Foxton originals. I just want to know: they brag on their Myspace page about how they perform “all” of Foxton’s originals. Does that include “Innocent Man”? I would pay to see that turd polished up for public consumption!

    Here they are in action:

  8. I’d like to see them use Jake Burns for vocals.

  9. Mr. Moderator

    I like how they like “The Jam” as one of their influences!

    I wonder if Buckler’s running gait is still as good as it was in that “Absolute Beginners” video.

  10. diskojoe

    Jeez, when I first saw that picture, I also thought it was Patrick Stewart. It seems that Rick Buckler has now joined Bobby Elliot in the Bald Drummers Club. We’re lucky that we’ve been spared pictures of him either wearing floppy hats or bad wigs.

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