Oct 122008


  8 Responses to “A 2-Part Message for The Back Office from The Flyin’ Hawaiian!”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Top of the 9th in the first NLCS game your team is likely to win and there’s a SEA OF EMPTY SEATS! LA, you are pathetic!


  2. sammymaudlin

    Honestly, the game was over after the bottom of the first. I’m surprised anyone stayed that long.

    The Tiny Hawaiian can lick my balls.

    Blake DeWitt! Woo.

  3. hrrundivbakshi

    Mod, I was thinking *exactly* the same thing as I watched the last coupla innings. Pathetic! At least here in DeeCee we have an excuse for heading for the doors early.


  4. alexmagic

    Even worse than that, as the game is starting, Joe Buck is talking up the “electric” Dodgers fans and says “by the end of the night, this place will be packed” with them. By the end of the night? Thanks for eventually showing up to an NLCS game, maybe, LA.

  5. sammymaudlin

    I’m certainly not going to defend laissez faire Dodger fans. I’ll say that when we go, we get there for batting practice and don’t leave until well after the game is over and the crowd has thinned out. When people leave early en masse, my 9 year old says, loudly, “real fans stay til the end.”

    It takes most people 2 hours or more, for weeknight games, to get there and then parking at the stadium is nightmare. It literally takes over an hour just to get out and there isn’t any other parking option. They’re working on a new system and a plan to get a rail station over there.

    What is worse to me than leaving early is that they arrive late too. Usually the stadium isn’t full until the bottom of the 3rd and then people leave during the 7th. Most of these are the Hollywood folks so when you watch a game on TV, it is more obvious as they have all the premium field level seats.

    It’s not just being a “fan”. If you’re going to invest in 4-5 hours of travel time plus ticket and food and Manny-hair Hat souvenirs… Why the hell would you only come for 4-5 innings?!

    Anyhoo. The Back Office and I may have had our fun as Derek Blowe takes the mound again tonight. Due to our mutual dislike for Blowe, I have asked the The BO to reinstate the headers.

  6. Mr. Moderator

    Thanks for having that chat with The Back Office, Sammy. The Dodgers banner images was a good move. The Flyin’ Hawaiian has no hard feelings. He would like to extend his invitation for you to cross over to our side, the good side without Manny. The side that last year bravely risked life and long-term contract to help the working folk in Colorado with that tarp on a stormy night while the hometown Rockies cowered in the dugout. You know who led that rescue charge? That’s right, Shane.

  7. sammymaudlin

    You mean the itty-bitty guy who was whining about a ball being thrown OVER his head? The Whinin’ Hawaiian?

    Game may not happen tonight. There is a pretty big fire not far from downtown that is making the air quality where I live difficult.

  8. 2000 Man

    I kind of like LA sports fans. I learned all about pro sports from Art Modell. Pro sports fandom is for suckers. That is not your team. It’s too bad, but it’s a product, and if you live in a small market, then it’s like Ford telling you that yes, you can buy a Mustang, but you only get a four cylinder version, and you have to pay the same price as the 8 cylinder rocket that you see on TV from the other cities. You’ll line up and pay for the privilege to give them your money because you’re a fan.

    I threw away all my cool Browns stuff and I will only pay for pro sports when it looks like my team will win.

    College is different. They stay put. The Rose Bowl looks pretty crowded on Saturdays, and those are pretty loud fans. They made Al Davis get the hell out of their town, too. I admire that.

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