Mar 272009

Guitar Firepower is a dangerous thing and shouldn’t be attempted by dabblers. Madonna may be a great star, but I don’t think she was ready for the awesome kickback a real guitar generates.


  3 Responses to “Madonna + Guitar = Firepower? Naaah…”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Thanks for posting this, 2K. I’ve been a little sick in the stomach all day since first watching it. The one thing that is groundbreaking first occurs about 17 seconds into Madge’s “performance”: Plenty of dudes have thrust their groin into their amp during this routine, but I’m pretty sure she’s the first guitar player, if I may use the term loosely, to turn around and take it from behind. Not enough to justify this misuse of a Les Paul, but interesting.

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Yet another inadvertent Spinal Tap moment!

  3. 2000 Man

    I think she was knocked silly and just lost it. She should probably see the “holster” definition for future reference.

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