Oct 262009

This special edition of Dugout Chatter requires not only your customary candid, from-the-gut answers but your own leave-behind query, meant to inspire additional chatter. Following is a small set of descriptive phrases, the kind that you may find in a chiche-ridden rock feature or review concerning an a solo artist or band. For each phrase, respond with the first artist or band that comes to mind.

Now here’s where you help the chatter build: after sharing your associations, please leave your own descriptive phrase for the next Townsperson to answer atop the initial set of responses. Got me? Great. Let’s associate!

  • …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll…
  • …once again delivers rock ‘n roll comfort food…
  • …certain to incite RTH debate…
  • …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll…
  • …challenging, constantly evolving band…
  • …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions…

I look forward to your responses, and don’t forget to leave us with your own descriptive phrase for us to associate!


  16 Responses to “Dugout Chatter: Artist Association Edition”

  1. * …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll…Aerosmith in the early 80s
    * …once again delivers rock ‘n roll comfort food…Rod Stewart
    * …certain to incite RTH debate…
    * …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll…Prince
    * …challenging, constantly evolving band…Radiohead circa Amnesiac
    * …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions…thankfully nobody comes to mind here.

    **…blog rock’s flavor of the minute

  2. oops i missed one

    * …certain to incite RTH debate…

    Ladies and Gentlemen…THE DOORS!

  3. hrrundivbakshi

    …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll… Motorhead

    …once again delivers rock ‘n roll comfort food… Marshall Crenshaw

    …certain to incite RTH debate… Jellyfish

    …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll… Steve Marriott

    …challenging, constantly evolving band… The Clash

    …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions… Colin Moulding

    My cliches, in search of artists to match:

    … a band that defines the term “punkish urgency”…

    … an artist who smashes gender stereotypes …

    … creators of dark/menacing/brooding rock…

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Great answers so far. Your choice of “Elfin Prince” surprised me, Hrrundi – and I’m not referring to anyone in the Holy Trinity – but Marriott figured to be mentioned by someone.

    I’m counting four new cliches that are out there for associations. ‘mon, Townspeeps!

  5. …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll…The Faces
    …once again delivers rock ‘n roll comfort food…John Hiatt
    …certain to incite RTH debate…what’s the most overrated mediocre Beatles song to be covered by an African-American artist or group?
    …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll…Ian Dury
    …challenging, constantly evolving band…Wilco (challenging for me to like, constantly evolving to piss me off in new ways)
    …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions…Paul McCartney
    …blog rock’s flavor of the minute…The Girls
    … a band that defines the term “punkish urgency”…Wire (Pink Flag)

    … an artist who smashes gender stereotypes …Stephen Merritt

    … creators of dark/menacing/brooding rock…Mastodon
    **…managed to avoid the dreaded second album jinx…

  6. BigSteve

    …managed to avoid the dreaded second album jinx… Roxy Music

    … survived the dreaded ‘new Dylan’ tag…

  7. … survived the dreaded ´new Dylan´ tag… Bruce Springsteen.

    …was written off as a has-been in the early eighties…

  8. …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll…The Faces (dittos, Chuck!)

    …once again delivers rock ‘n roll comfort food…Ringo Starr, his music isn’t bad, it’s just not GREAT

    …certain to incite RTH debate…XTC

    …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll…Prince, of course. That little midget can dance!

    …challenging, constantly evolving band…Radiohead. Man, I wish they would write songs once in a while…

    …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions…Graham Maby

    …blog rock’s flavor of the minute…I’m so out of touch here.

    … a band that defines the term “punkish urgency”…Gang of Four

    … an artist who smashes gender stereotypes …David Bowie

    … creators of dark/menacing/brooding rock…What was that band? CROWBAR!

    …managed to avoid the dreaded second album jinx…Bob Dylan

    … survived the dreaded ‘new Dylan’ tag…Donovan

    …was written off as a has-been in the early eighties…Neil Young

    **…who suddenly shifted gears, releasing some of the strongest music of his career beginning in the late 90s…


  9. Mr. Moderator

    I was hoping Graham Maby would show up as an answer in the “nimble bassist” phrase. Well played, TB!

    Carry on!

  10. * …incorrigible bad boys of rock ‘n roll…
    The Stones…”back in the day”

    * …certain to incite RTH debate…
    Ringo’s drumming ability.

    * …crowned the Elfin Prince of Rock ‘n Roll…
    Tommy Shaw

    * …his nimble bass runs add character to the most pedestrian of compositions…
    Graham Maby

  11. Mr. Moderator

    Tommy Shaw is a great Elfin Prince!

  12. who suddenly shifted gears, releasing some of the strongest music of his career beginning in the late 90s…

    TB, that’ been Dylan’s concert intro for the last few years, so the correct answer here is “Ladies & gentleman, Bob Dylan.”

    “..godfather of punk…”

  13. Pince nez, Al:

    “Ladies and gentlemen, Columbia Recording artist, Bob Dylan…”

    We mustn’t forget that Bobby records for Columbia.

    However, we all know the godfather of punk is Pete Townshend!


  14. diskojoe

    “The band that created genres such as heavy metal, power pop, & punk…the Kinks”

    Speaking of the Kinks, I came across the following head scratcher the other day:


    It’s just like hearing that Ringo will be playing drums instead of Bun E. Carlos on a Cheap Trick tour.

  15. Or that Todd Rundgren will be fronting The Cars instead of Rik Ocasek. Oh, wait…


  16. Mr. Moderator

    At the risk of possibly going deeper into hell for cutting on my man Rick Buckler, who may be sick or something, are you telling me that Buckler’s no longer in From the Jam? Now From the Jam is just Bruce Foxton? Could it be that Foxton has been swayed by my thoughts on Buckler?


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