Nov 092009

Townsman chuckflack sent the following thoughts to The Back Office to pass along for us to ponder.

Patti Smith once said she wanted to come back to life as a guitar solo. Beautiful idea, though I of course want specifics: which particular solo, Patti? For me, I’d happily come back as Garth Hudson’s organ solo in “Apple Suckling Tree.” Or maybe Warren Zevon’s “Huh, draw blood,” exclamation in “Werewolves of London.” Or maybe Neil Young’s big sideburns. Or maybe Mississippi John Hurt’s fingers. You?


  11 Responses to “Rock Reincarnation”

  1. larry

    chris stein, mid to late 70’s

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Paul Weller’s shades, ca. 1984.

  3. Mr. Moderator

    If I’m going to be reincarnated I might as well jump ahead to the wisdom that I always felt was there for me when, as a boy, I first heard the s/t album by The Band. I’ve long thought about a similar Farenheit 451-themed thread, so I’ll come back as that entire album and feel like I’m prepared to get old and die again.

  4. If I were to be a solo, I’d really want to be Harrison’s guitar solo from “Something.” It still manages to move me every single time. I wouldn’t mind being one of the cellos in the fade out to “Good Vibrations.”

    My bandmate Danny has the ultimate final wishes (I wish I would have thought of it): When he passes, he wants his cremated ashes dumped into the paint at the Gibson guitar factory. That way, he feels like he’ll be rockin’ somewhere every night. That’s pretty badass to me.


  5. mockcarr

    If it was a guitar solo, I’d want it to be Hendrix’s Little Wing, but I’m sure I’d end up like Dave Davies’s guitar bits in I’ll Remember, out of tune, pained, and somehow cool only to me.

  6. 2000 Man

    I wanna be Keith’s fingers buzzing on the strings in the beginning of Rocks Off.

  7. Marc Ribot’s lead from A Jockey Full Of Bourbon. Or maybe his brain.

  8. sammymaudlin

    The rug in the Funhouse gatefold pic.

    Or Debby Harry’s ass from The Hardest Part vid.

  9. I’ll come back as the guitar solo in Tintern Abbey’s “Vacuum Cleaner.”

  10. Iggy’s cock. Oh, the places I’d go!

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