While reviewing that Kinks video from 1979, I got to thinking that Spinal Tap keyboard player Viv Savage could have fit in easily with that version of the band. But who is the actual inspiration for Viv? And who are the specific influeces for the Tap. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Jeff Beck is the visual inspiration for Nigel.
Rick Parfitt from Status Quo is the model for David St. Hubbins.
The Stonehenge prop is apparently based on a Black Sabbath stage prop that was so big that it wouldn’t fit into some theaters that they were playing.
Obviously bowing the guitar with a violin is an homage to Jimmy Page.
And I’ve seen a Def Leppard video in which the band members are shaking their satin-clad asses in the camera exactly like the Tap does during the live performance of “Big Bottom.”
What else am I missing? The more specific the example, the better (eg, choking on vomit is too frequent an occurrence to be linked to one incident).
I always thought their tour manager, Ian Faith, was like Zeppelin’s Richard Cole. It’s been years but I could swear there is a cricket bat story with Cole in Hammer of the Gods.
Aren’t Derek Smalls’ closing credits thoughts on being a haberdasher based on some early interview with Ringo Starr on his fall-back plans?
Have you seen this?
And somebody please explain to me why the last bit is funny, clearly I am lacking the knowledge to get the joke.
Ah, my video is apparently the source of the Mojo text above. Sorry ’bout that. Still don’t get the Dio reference.
There’s a pretty long Troggs bootleg recording of the band engaging in a between song argument in the studio that must have inspired the “It’s your fucking wife” tiff between Nigel and David. The two guys arguing use a riduculous number of F bombs in every sentence, and it’s is every bit as funny as the Spinal Tap scene.
I thought the manager was modeled after Led Zep’s road manager, but I honestly can’t remember why i think that!
I also thought there was a little bit of Miles Copeland, the Police’s manager and Stewart’s brother.
I think Stonehenge also took cues from Aerosmith, wh had just released ‘Rock in a Hard Place’ featuring the Stonehenge monument on the cover.
I think Duke Fame, Tap’s successful counterpart who plays the “enormodome” and has a “rather lurid” album cover, was based on Billy Squier. You know, Duke, Squier, plus he kind of looks like him.
Isn’t there a Paul St John out there in the world of hair rock? That would be the source of David’s name.
I agree with the Jeff Beck reference but I’ve also always seen (and heard) a little Dave Edmunds in Nigel
See: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Rhq6BS2JKE8/SehxwB9kAZI/AAAAAAAAAUs/RpD15xr_m9E/s1600-h/Front.jpg
I had a Rockpile bootleg where Dave introduced the song “Deborah” and he sounded just like “The Nige.”
The Dio reference is because Ian was on his knees and just his head was popping out of the dry ice and Dio is a wee little guy.