All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Apr 112010

Here’s your place to scream about whatever you want.


  9 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Excellent! I think I need to organize a tribute album with bands covering nothing but this song.

  2. It’s late night and sleep eludes me so I’m catching up on various emails and links.

    I’ve waxed rhapsodically (and we all know how painful that can be) before about Dylan’s first Letterman appearance (to me it even transcends the ’66 tour) but here are two songs done at the rehearsal that he didn’t perform that night.–Part-One

    And it comes as a surprise to me that I didn’t know about Captain Beefheart’s “appearance” on American Bandstand. (Or maybe I just don’t remembering hearing it before which would be less surprising.)

  3. I had a pretty cool find this weekend. I picked up a copy of the digitally archived complete Rolling Stone. I have a love/hate relationship with the RS, but it’s kinda cool to just be able to refer to anything in a magazine’s 40 years.


  4. hrrundivbakshi

    You know, townsman kcills needs to see this. I think it’s surprisingly subversive and edgy for its day — and the minimalist/lo-fi/primary color vibe it gives off should definitely be aped in some form or another for, like, MTV2 or Fuel TV or something.

    My fave, most subversive, best directed moment takes place when dude puts his arm around the chick on the couch. We all know what’s going to happen next — he’s going for the Zonkers. But we’re surprised to see that she *doesn’t* bat his roaming hand away. In fact, she looks up at him while his hand is, uh, “inside her box” with a kind of matter-of-fact compliance — a gaze that’s kind of sexual, in a teen sort of way — and dude follows with a smug, “I got my hand in her box. It’s all good” kind of look, directed at the camera. And none of that is played for the cheap seats — it’s very subtle. Genius!

    I swear I am not reading shit into this.

  5. misterioso

    Hey Al–

    I might not put it above the ’66 tour but the Letterman appearance is certainly one of the greatest things Dylan has done, one of the great TV rock and roll moments. Ever. Too bad it came at a time when Dylan was consigned to the uncool bin and when he himself did not have the guts (confidence?) to take that killer, raw little band of quasi-punks on the road instead of the dull Mick Taylor-led group he toured with in 84. One of rock’s great missed opportunities.

  6. That Dylan clip has inspired me to bust out the Crusados album when I get home.

    I haven’t heard it in ages, but I recall thinking that the rest of the album didn’t live up to the single “Motorcycle Girl”. I saw a great live clip of them on MTV once and I always suspected that they were a band that could have been really cool if all of the planets had aligned properly.

  7. 2000 Man

    I love Screaming Yellow Zonkers. That’s probably one good reason I spend so much money at the dentist these days. Con Agra bought the company that made them, and they quit making them. So I hate Big Farm for that.

  8. trolleyvox

    Are youz guys at all familiar with the following blog:


    Seems like a one man RTH topic generator.

  9. Mr. Moderator

    I have seen that blog before, Tvox. Thanks for reminding me of it. They do seem to cover some similar ground.

All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Apr 102007

Wow, I guess lip-synching has gotten better over the years.


  3 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Someone stop him from saying “Bellisima” with his eyebrows over and over again… Also, dig the swaying chicks. Ha ha;) I thought this was going to be the other version of “I want to hold your hand” again!

  2. Mr. Moderator

    Good catch, someone (I suspect I know who), on the Nesmith hat in today’s poll. That’s going to be a tough write-in to beat.

    I can’t say I’m shocked over initial votes for Lennon’s Greek fisherman’s hat, but I was never the greatest fan of that Look on him only because it covered his cool hair. How does his Greek fisherman’s cap stack up against Dylan’s?

  3. hrrundivbakshi


    Man, I came *this* close to completely nailing every one of my A.I. predictions! I thought for sure Haley’s skeezer fashion sense would win out over goggle-eyed Phil Stacey, but it wasn’t meant to be.

    More thorough predictions about the next round will be forthcoming next Tuesday night, but let me just say that Jordin Sparks is the next American Idol. You heard it here 523,786th!

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