Apr 202007

[NOTE: The above clip contains a nasty word or two.]

In the hopes of fostering continued participation and interaction among Townspeople, it’s time we recognize two particular Posts of the Week! This is not to overlook any of the other hundreds of great posts we get each week on Rock Town Hall, but rather to drive a few visitors into the depths of this blog and all it has to offer. If I sound like I’m tooting our own horn, your ears are functioning properly.

Without further ado, may I direct you to BigSteve’s lovingly mocking jibe at KingEd and his rant against indie rock profiling.

Then, make sure you read Hrrundivbakshi’s very personal Biker Rock memory.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a regular, I hope you’re drilling down to the Comments. Better yet, I hope you’re making some noise of your own. No matter how much we might value a particular Main Stage post, it’s rare that someone doesn’t add new light to a topic and make the author of the initial post wish he or she had had a chance to do their own post over again. Believe me!


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