All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Jul 122007

These ladies should TOTALLY be suing Avril Lavigne.


  10 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Here’s a question I’ve been thinking of since 2000 Man’s Gore Gore Girls post: how many “girl bands” manage to sound like real women playing rock ‘n roll (eg, Sleater-Kinney), how many sound like women playing a guy’s fantasy of women playing rock ‘n roll (eg, The Runaways), and how many simply sound like mediocre versions of something guys have already done (eg, Heart)? And, most importantly, should this matter?

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Talk about a thread that ought to be moved to the Main Stage! All-Star Jam is the place for discussing things like this, which I was going to post for SallyC’s amusement (speaking of chick rockers):

  3. Mr. Moderator

    What should go to the Main Stage, the discussion of mostly women rock bands?

  4. I saw this on another list from Philly legend (and good guy) Chuck Meehan. The subject line was “saturnismine=criminal?”

  5. This is a joke of course!

  6. Excellent questions, Mr. Mod! I’m guessing the audience at a typical Gore Gore Girls Show is over 70% single, 30-something males.

  7. 2000 Man

    I’d like to go see The Gore Gore Girls one of these days. I’m much less than 70% single (more like 1/10th of 1% if The Wonderchick has anything to say about it, and she seems to think she does), and 30-something is further away than 50-something these days.

    You know though, The Shags just need that money lead guitar break! Well, that and better hair. But mostly that money lead guitar break, right KingEd?

  8. Damn straight about better hair and that money lead guitar break, 2K!

    To add to Mod’s questions, try substituting “men” for “women” and see if the questions are still relevant. I think they are, especially men playing a guy’s fantasy of men playing rock ‘n roll.

  9. Re: the comment about substituting “men” for “women” in Mod’s questions

    Makes me think of the “tight trousers” joke in Spinal Tap.

  10. BigSteve

    Wasn’t that The Rutles movie?

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