Oct 152007

It’s all in the strings!

It was recently reported that a visitor to the Halls of Rock expressed dismay at our Lou Reed…As His Music Was Meant to Sound! series, claiming it cast our hero in less-than-flattering terms. It was recommended that we watch video from the Velvet Underground’s reunion shows instead. Visitor, we value your recommendation, and we hope you log in to see the fruits of your rock labors. Complete with the headless Cronenberg guitar; a mullet; and a shiny, puffy leather jacket, Rock Town Hall proudly presents Lou Reed…As His Music Was Really Meant to Sound!


  5 Responses to “Visitor’s Request Edition: Lou Reed…As His Music Was Meant to Sound!”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    That’s a great one, Satyricon. I forget if it was that clip or another one from that concert that’s previously been featured here. Prakash John has also warrented his own tribute, if memory serves. The Porn Keyboardist – I’m blanking on his name at the moment – Michael someone? – was a big hit in the past, and just as cool to see again. Come to think of it, I think it was just this clip we once featured. I’m recalling some of the domineering, sexually charged close-ups of Prakash in anticipation of Lou’s entry from the wings. Killer!

    By the way, I love Lou Reed, so don’t consider me a hater.

  2. alexmagic

    This clip is, by far, Piscopo’s most challenging and complex work as a comedian and master impressionist. It’s not surprising that the general public doesn’t remember his Lou Reed as well or as fondly as his Frank Sinatra.

  3. meanstom

    The Velvet Underground reunited for that? Thank god they broke up again before reaching our shores.

  4. This was their first, unrehersed, performance with the original velvets in over 20 years! The reunion “tour” this performance inspired consisted of a handfull of dates in 91. The Paris show was excellent and while not comporable to their Factory shows – should serve as a fitting swan song.

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