Jun 282008

Thanks, Slokie! I sense there are more than a few Townspeople who will benefit from a peaceful viewing of the following clip.


  4 Responses to “A Healing Clip from General Slocum”

  1. This clip does indeed have a great healing potential, not to mention many other gratifying elements. And it’s well worthy of an analysis about Look too.

    But in reminding me of the kinds of music taste we have here on Rocktown, it put me in mind of The Hear Factor challenge. What happened with that?

  2. 2000 Man

    Wow. That dude plays a mean propeller blade!

  3. Jesus, General. You had to post the album version instead of the single version of that. They lost me after the 14th verse.

    The Thai-premes are cute though.

  4. the prophet

    Do we have to debate on whether the Stones or the Faces did the better cover of this song?

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