Jul 292008

A quick one while Mod’s away:

While doing some research today, I ran across this video for the AARP’s upcoming convention in Washington, DC. I was ho-humming my way through it when — waitaminnit, is that who I think it is?! That’s LL Cool J! What the f*ck is LL doing manning a booth at the AARP convention? I mean, I know we’re all getting older, but…

Anyhow, the video can be found here: http://www.aarp.org/aarp_benefits/natl_events/aarp_benefits/natl_events/dc/ Check out minute marker 1:41. A coveted RTH No-prize to the Townsman who can tell us what is said during the intimate exchange captured on tape.

I look forward to your responses.



  9 Responses to “LL Cool J: Talk About Old-School!”

  1. hrrundivbakshi

    Also, for extra credit: tell us what Gene Simmons will be speaking about during his session.


  2. BigSteve

    When Gene Simmons speaks, the topic is always and only — Gene Simmons.

  3. sammymaudlin

    WTF dude! I’m not watching that shit. Shiiiiiit.

    Not for another 6 years anyway.

    I like Ramsey Lewis.

  4. hrrundivbakshi

    Well, BigSteve gets an honorable mention for at least identifying the general topic area of Uncle Gene’s presentation, but I’m *sure* we can do better.

  5. alexmagic

    I’d like to take a more in depth look at this later on today, but I’m already leaning towards some kind of “6 Minutes of Pleasure”/prostate/frequent urination angle.

  6. LL Cool J: “I just scored some Viagra samples at the E.D. roundtable. Want to come to my room for 36 hours”

  7. BigSteve

    The only topics Gene is interested in or knowledgeable about are Gene’s money and Gene’s sex. Maybe he’ll offer a session “Erotically Responsible Investing.”

    In the clip I imagine LL Cool J signing every book with:

    “I just want to point out that I myself am not over 50. I just want to sell books because no one buys my records anymore.

    LL Cool J”

    That clip is the most ‘cover all the bases’ ad I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine attending a conference based not on your interests but purely on how old you are? Is there a Thirtysomethingcon?

  8. hrrundivbakshi

    “Mama said knock you OUUUT… is what she gon’ do if I don’t go git her Gene Simmons’ autograph. Man, she love that freaky-ass, tongue-wagglin’, blood-spittin’, dragon-boot-wearin’ fool!”

  9. hrrundivbakshi

    Andy’s in the lead!

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