Jul 282007

Ron and Art and Wig
In a recent Dugout Chatter, we asked for thoughts on Ron Wood’s most memorable musical moment. Townswoman Sally C suggested an obscure Quiet Melon number, “Engine 4444”, and she followed up her suggestion with these notes and a track for us to enjoy.
Quiet Melon, “Engine 4444”
The Flying Lizards forever…
In an even more recent thread, in which we asked for songs you wish would go on forever, or at least 16 hours, Townsman General Slocum mentioned The Flying Lizards’ “The Window”. Here’s your chance to experience just the beginning of this imagines 16-hour trip. Loop it up some day and report back to us!
The Flying Lizards, “The Window”
That Quiet Melon song is great, Rod’s silly vocal contributions notwithstanding. Thanks for sharing!