All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Oct 112007

The cutting edge becomes petting zoo.


  12 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    McCartney’s making up some ground, but I think Ringo’s the dark horse!

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Hey, the Cavedogs! A pretty good band that aged very poorly, in my opinion. That rock-jangle Rick sound just grates on me now.

  3. mockcarr

    Still holds up for me. Good bass part.

  4. trolleyvox

    So, I was just listening to Mr. Mod’s German stereo of Strawberry Fields, and I’d thought I’d comment as we don’t seem to talk about the Beatles at all here on RTH. What I noticed was that the rhythm guitar and bass drop out of the song after the first chorus and first verse (the chorus comes in first), never to appear again. The fidelity of the production changes noticeably at that point. I know the story of the construction of the tune, with the varispeed tape manipulation, but for some reason I never noticed that after the first chrorus/verse, the production has more clarity. Plus the cello and horns take over once the rhythm guitar and bass. Kind of radical, and yet it was never apparent to me before.

  5. Speaking of that little-regarded band from Liverpool (I think it was), does anyone up in here have or know the book Paperback Writer by Mark Shipper? Any good?

  6. Mr. Moderator

    Ringo’s hanging tough. You can do it, Ringo!

  7. I voted for him just for you, Mr. Mod.

  8. I couldn’t vote for Shaved Fish. It has like a 30 second excerpt of “Give Peace a Chance” and no matter what you might think, that’s an essential one. The first Beatle solo single, right? There was a collection with about half a dozen additional songs, the Lennon Collection I think it was called, that should’ve won in a walk. I think that’s why we got Shaved Fish: to keep things competitive.

  9. Mr. Moderator

    You got Shaved Fish because it fit the specific pararmeters of the poll question. You were correct in NOT voting for it, but you – like I – only responded to the needs of the poll. Stop your sobbing!

    I hope you voted for Ringo’s GH album instead.

  10. They do a half decent Big Star….

  11. hrrundivbakshi

    Shit! Shit, shit, shit! I screwed up and posted “Starz” in today’s Big Choice Poll, when I meant to say “Angel.” How weird — I swear I was seeing the Angel logo in my head, and yet I posted Starz. HVB, you dolt!

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