Sep 182013

This one always reminds me of our friends in California. The laugh the drummer and the lead guitarist share at the end of the solo is priceless. It’s as if they read your post in this All-Star Jam!


  8 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Older, kinder, wiser, gentler me doesn’t have the stomach for pissing on a parade the way he used to, but the following link that keeps showing up on Philly people’s Facebook feeds is driving me crazy.

    Now that I’ve dragged this piece into the Hall, let me whip it out and piss all over it. These seem like some student fashion shoots of a group of friends in the early ’80s. What the hell is this supposed to represent about the Philly punk scene, as lame as it was?

  2. Henry Cow bassoon player Lindsay Cooper has died.

  3. Chris Cutler is a great drummer!

  4. ladymisskirroyale

    Yes, aren’t you due for another visit?

  5. LONG overdue! In the meantime, I’ll keep watching episodes of The Rockford Files and preparing for my future.

  6. 2000 Man

    Well, the berets and the blond girl with the flowers sure seem Punk Rock. I guess. Maybe if you died in 1958.

  7. mockcarr

    You need to rent a gold 70’s Firebird when you’re out there, Mod.

  8. mockcarr

    Yeah, seems like the new “punk rock” fashion section at Macy’s circa 1982.

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