All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Oct 112008

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  5 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Mod, do you see what Sammy’s doing in the banner? Make him stop!

  2. Soemhow this is less offensive than having your song in a Volkswagon commercial. At least Johnny here knows that he is fucking with us. Any his response to any “artist” crap has always been ” I am fucking with you ALL – even the die hard Pistols fans”

  3. hrrundivbakshi

    Not to worry, Oats. Remember my ESBP: Phils in five over the Rays for the Series.

    I have spoken.


  4. BigSteve

    I enjoyed hearing Why Can’t We be Friends? over the ballpark PA during the kerfluffle in the 3rd inning.

  5. Mr. Moderator

    Am I safe in sharing here how sick I am of this “God Bless America” routine in the All-Star Game and playoffs? Can we move on already?

    I will say, however, that the military woman who sang the song in Game 2 was awesome. It may be the first time I ever felt moved by the song.

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