All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Apr 242007

Did Aerosmith cover this too?


  5 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. BigSteve

    That was awesome. Free your ass and your mind will follow. If only.

    “I feel so unnecessary.”

  2. Mr. Moderator

    I would be caught dead in a jumpsuit like that!!!

    That entire WattStax movie is pretty cool.

    Any classic festival goers among us? I’ve always been too much of a priss to go to long, outdoor festival concerts.

  3. hrrundivbakshi

    My then-hipster parents dragged me and my brother to one of Hawaii’s “Sunshine Festivals” back in the early 70s. I remember Santana and the Grateful Dead being on the bill, but the InterWeb tells me it weren’t so. The Santana/Buddy Miles Live album was recorded at the Sunshine Festival in 1972. I might’ve been there!

    In general, I remember being pretty fully freaked out by all the crazy hippie insanity — naked people walking around smoking funny-smelling cigarettes, others dancing around and waving their arms for no reason — a bit too much for my 8-9-year old brain to handle. No fooling, the brain scars I suffered from that day of madness may have never healed over.

    And, no, my parents weren’t smoking, dropping or dancing naked. If I were a betting man, I’d bet that my mom would’ve given my dad the hairy eyeball the moment we stepped through the turnstiles.

  4. sammymaudlin

    NEW YORK (AP) — Spinal Tap is back, and this time the band wants to help save the world from global warming.

  5. hrrundivbakshi

    Hey, fellow RTHers —

    So, look, I’ve never used the empty walls of the hallowed halls to shamelessly plug gigs, political candidates, or (worse yet) spock-eared collector’s vinyl flea markets. But, for the first time since I arrived in these parts three or four years ago, I feel the need to slap a few choice posters up for the good of mankind.

    Specifically, I want to direct your attention to the following site: I won’t bore you with the detailed explanation or the accolades this charity has received from folks on both ends of the political spectrum. The short version is that Kiva uses the Web to empower each and every one of us to join the micro-lending revolution, and get some of our surplus money temporarily (and at no interest) into the hands of small entrepreneurs around the world. These are ordinary folks — the vast majority of whom are women — who just need a few hundred bucks to start or expand extremely modest businesses that can make a world of difference in their standard of living.

    I’ve been a Kiva lender for a month or so now, and my “clients” have already started paying me back! Note that I have no intention of actually keeping these repayments; rather, like most Kiva members, I plan on “letting it ride” in the market, creating a virtuous cycle of empowerment around the world.

    So, fellow RTHers, I say… check it out!

    If you want to see which entrepreneurs I ‘m sponsoring, just search for my nom de Kiva, hrrundivbakshi.

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