All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Jun 042007

You all right man? Don’t lose it.


  5 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. it’s the shit!

  2. saturnismine

    yeah, this is great.

    hey mod, this is just my opinion: but i think you need to let some of these threads hang out at the top of the page for a little while longer before bumping them for something new.

    i have a feeling that the lack of commenting isn’t being helped by the site’s recent bout with ADD.

  3. Mr. Moderator

    Thanks for the suggestion regarding letting threads hang, but can you be more specific? Anything you think I’ve given up on too soon of late? Seriously. Let me know what I’ve scooted off the main page too soon. I try to go by number of comments and number of hits, the latter numbers not being visible to you. Sometimes a thread seems to die out sooner than I would like, as judged by static numbers on views (however that is calculated by the software – we’re not exactly sure) so I let the traffic move forward. If you haven’t noticed, I do try to juggle threads that are hot so that they keep on the main page. Long story short: Is there anything from recent days you’d like to see up front? From this point forward, let me know if something needs to stay. We can also expand the amount of posts that appear on the front page.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    I’ve extended the amount of posts that appear on the Main Stage. See how that works for you and others, Townsman Saturnismine. Thanks.

  5. saturnismine

    thanks for the response, mod!

    no biggie, really. it just seemed like things were moving really fast over the past 24 hours.

    i thought the pollard thread got caught in the crunch and the mccartney thread, potentially, could get lost in the shuffle, too.

    carry on….

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