All-Star Jam

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Jun 032007

Gotta get me a Tardis. Is that how you spell it? I know, you know.


  11 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. If no one’s up to anything today, and wants to see a free show in Jersey, the Pipettes are playing one at a new record shoppe that just opened in Haddonfield at around 2pm-ish, sorry for the late notice! They’ll be at First Unitarian here in Philly later tonight as well:

    Sunday, June 3rd @ 2:30 PM
    Mars RED Music
    57A Kings Hwy E
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033

  2. saturnismine

    wish i could go check out the pipettes. what a shameless bid for “cutesiness”. i’d be there if i could.

    GREAT sgt. pepper thing on “brekky w/ the beatles” today.

    highlights: a VERY droll demo of john doing “good morning good morning” that really brings out the mundane quality.

    george martin’s recounting of john’s insistence that “he wanted Mr. Kite to sound so much like a carnival that you could SMELL THE SAWDUST”. This touches on a topic that is near and dear to my heart: music’s mimetic quality. i LOVE that john didn’t settle, even though elsewhere he is also quoted as viewing this song as a pursuit of craft.

    low lights: george martin is QUITE taken with himself and with the whole importance of the project. at times, he was playing up the mystery of the whole thing so much that he actually sounded like a magician in the middle of his routine, with shmaltzy inflections and all…and without a touch of irony.

    IMPORTANT NERDLINGER QUESTION: my mid-70s reissue vinyl of Pepper doesn’t have “the inner groove” on it. When did they stop putting that on the vinyl? anyone know?

    love, mr. ismine.

  3. hey art –
    Are you going to the show tonight? or writing? I’m pretty sure it’s not sold out or anything, but the in-store brought a lot of people and the band performed in the store’s backyard area… Everyone was under tents in the rain. I just got back and they *were* really cute, but only played 3 songs, which lasted more than all the time we spent waiting for them to play 3 songs;) although I got in some record shopping and Mars RED is pretty decent for a newly opened store, but very limited stock, nearly picked up an old The Nields album that I remembered from my Uni radio days – I had no idea they had just played World Cafe this week as well! So weird. I picked up that old Buffalo Tom album with ‘Tailights Fade’… totally making me think of the band Swell – and Ric Menck’s book/essay on the Byrds for 33 1/3 – that Joe Boyd book was there too, but maybe next time. Anyway, The Pipettes played “We Are The Pipettes”, “Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me”, and ended with “Pull Shapes”. Wore these totally cute polka dot dresses and did all the moves… my friend Court has a plus one, so i’m going to the show tonight too.

  4. saturnismine

    no, sally, not going.

    are those polka dot dresses all they own?

    have fun tonight!


  5. saturnismine

    no, sally, not going.

    are those polka dot dresses all they own?

    have fun tonight!


  6. saturnismine

    i mean…


  7. Saturnismine in his non-capitalized style wrote:

    “highlights: a VERY droll demo of john doing “good morning good morning” that really brings out the mundane quality.”

    This is probably my second favorite song on there for its splendidly “mundane” subject matter. The words ring so true in terms of the feeling of walking around the city on a workday, especially if you’re not working. No big message, just one of those little word protraits that give pleasure for its accuracy.

  8. arrrrrrrrt,

    Yow! You missed a very sweaty, packed, hot, heavy, sweaty, fun, danceable, hand-clapping, sweaty, steamy, charming, show;) There was a band who opened called The Booze, who were from Atlanta – admittedly The Booze is a silly name, but all the same, they were really great! They actually played Heat Wave too, which was cool to dance to and the perfect match to the atmosphere! Even with the fans on, I think everyone was practically melting …!

    They wore the same polka dots. I don’t know what’s up with that either, but I’d sure like to see some razzle-dazzle new patterns instead with their finger-wagging your kisses are wasted on me, boyyyy, moves;)

  9. hrrundivbakshi


    Wolfgang’s Vault has a show from AC/DC’s 1979 tour — the last with Bonnie — and it’s pretty freaking amazing. But to really hear what the fuss was all about, skip ahead to the blistering version of one of my all-time AC/DC faves, “Problem Child.” Fuckin’ A!|122

  10. hrrundivbakshi


    You may remember Ethan from this glorious trainwreck:

  11. hrrundivbakshi


    Major kudos to the person who suggested the best place to listen to a Don Fagen solo album was Walter Becker’s beard. That shit was *funny*!

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