Jan 282011

Roy Wood’s told you a bit about himself; why don’t you tell us a little ’bout you?


  5 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. How nice is this…and sad? I want to give Roy a hug.

  2. Finally got a chance to see Noah Baumbach’s movie from last year, Greenberg. I liked it a lot. Ben Stiller did a really good job at not being Ben Stiller. Once more Baumbach realistically drew a cast of rock snob-culture characters. Rock-snob highlight of this movie was Stiller’s Greenberg character citing The Kinks’ “Australia”!!!

  3. http://www.harpercollins.com/books/Book-Joel/?isbn=9780062087737

    I think we should commemorate this upcoming release somehow. Maybe a public reading of the book by E. Pluribus Gergley. I’d pay to hear that.

  4. More Doom and Gloom stuff. Maybe some of you have already heard this Television show in Portland, 1978, but it’s new to me. Awesome stuff. Even the stuff from Adventure rocks, Mr. Mod.


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