Dec 082010


  9 Responses to “And now, a word from our sponsors…”

  1. hrrundivbakshi

    I always liked that song “Goodnight Vienna.”

  2. misterioso

    Let me know when you find an add for Ringo’s Rotogravure, will ya?

  3. misterioso

    An ad, not an add. Mach 1. You know what I mean.

  4. See if these promo clips get you on your way, misterioso:

    I’ve seen plenty of shots of Ringo with really short hair but never with a completely shaved head, have you?

    And if that’s not enough to make you want to seek out the German True Stereo version, here’s another:

  5. misterioso

    Ouch. File under “be careful what you wish for.”

    As a corrective I submit the goofy but great Back Off Boogaloo

  6. One of my favorite solo Beatles tracks!

  7. misterioso

    Better than Silly Love Songs?

  8. That same year, Ringo returned the favor for John.

  9. jeangray

    You guys are sick!

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