Thanks to Townsman MrClean for passing along this idea!
I have a friend who has long been a devotee of Pete Frame’s Rock Family Trees. I’m sure you have a similar friend – or maybe you are that friend yourself! Great is the stuff of Frame’s collection of hand-drawn rock family trees. The genealogy of so many bands any aspiring rock nerd should know is detailed. So many opportunities for storing up knowledge that will not get you laid! And wouldn’t those of you who know what I’m talking about agree that the hand-drawn aspect is a key to the appeal for Frame’s work?
MrClean passed along a link to a site that picks up on this pursuit. Check it out! I need to contact my old friend who was obsessed with developing a Family Tree of Philly scene bands. He’s had a draft in the works for the 20 years I’ve known him, perfectly aping Frame’s own handwriting! He needs to see this site. You need to see this site. Then, I suspect, we’ll want to join hands and report on our experiences. Adjust your Pince Nez and nerd out, Townspeople!
Great post! I can’t wait to read up on the rock genealogy!!! I hope there’s some family crests in there!
Funny you should open up this thread. Just a couple of weeks ago I was speaking to Geo and said how I wished there was a Rock Family Tree for the various bands of RTH members. I get lost among the various bands and the various related band members on RTH.
I got from Throbbing Gristle to The Eagles in 7 steps. They sure do rely on Ringo’s All-Starr Band a lot though. Maybe this is his true legacy.
Great site, Mr Clean!
Mr Mod – Dave Ragsdale is definitely “The man” when it comes to Philly rock family trees
I put in a call to our would-be Townsman in the north country. Last time we spoke, he was off the grid in terms of the Internets.
Ragsdale would be a fine addition to the RTH. Send him my regards…
Useless information:
1. The path between Frank Zappa and Stone Temple Pilots contains 6 steps
2. The path between Lou Reed and Glenn Frey contains 5 steps
3. The path between Lou Reed and XTC contains 7 steps
Their database isn’t fully fleshed out, so there may be fewer steps than they indicate. Just to test it out, I put in Lou Reed to Scritti Politti, which should be one step (Fred Maher), but the site listed five steps, because they don’t have any of Lou Reed’s solo album’s in their system.
What band lies at the furthest number of steps from RTH Patron Saint of Mediocrity Bob Seger? I’ve got Bauhaus at 10 steps.
I’ve now got Bob Seger to Michael Jackson (!) in 12 steps.
HOLY CRAP. The band “Bows” from the former lead singer of the band “Long Fin Killie” – 15 steps, baby. My mind is now blown because these steps also involve albums with Francis Macdonald and Eugene Kelly. It does all seem to revolve around Ringo though… Is he like the Kevin Bacon of rock? Speaking of which, that’s like 11 steps…
I’m embarrassed for all of us.