

Mar 272012

What was up with that trend in the ’70s of calling your significant other “Mama”? I’m glad it has fallen out of favor because it always struck me as creepy, but I’d like to document just how widespread it was.

Please name a song in which the singer calls the object of their desire “Mama.” The person being called “Mama” cannot be the singer/narrator’s mother. The song does not have to be from the ’70s.

I’ll start with “Rock n Roll Mama,” by the Raspberries.

Jan 272012

Inspired by the Hall’s search for a Rock and Roll Cabinet, I’m looking for politicians who are mentioned by name in the title or lyrics of a song.

What counts: actual elected officials, cabinet members, monarchs, dictators, etc.

What doesn’t count: album titles, such as Disraeli Gears; made up characters, such as the Mayor of Simpleton, the Lizard King, King Everything, etc; and those involved in politics but who don’t hold some official position, such as Lee Atwater (I’m not sure if there are any examples of this last instance but I thought I’d weed it out to be on the safe side).

An individual’s name may only be used once.

As always, please limit your posts to one answer at a time.

I’ll start off with “Even Richard Nixon has got soul” in Neil Young’s “Campaigner.”

Nov 222011

Well, the dust has barely settled on the most recent Last Man Standing but I’ve been inspired start another by a response that tonyola made to the Mod in a previous discussion.

Please name a song that contains the name of a nation in the title. The nation must be a real one, so Atlantis doesn’t count, although it can be one that no longer exists, as in my first answer: “Back in the USSR.”

Once a country is mentioned, it is off the board.

Only one answer per post please.

Nov 182011

"not eligible"

Ahhh Friday… As we run down the clock to Happy Hour, I would like to hear suggestions for songs which mention specific brands of beer, wine, and liquor.

  1. A few rules:
    Once the song is used, it is off the table. So, for George Thorogood’s “I Drink Alone” you can pick Budweiser or Jim Beam but not both.
  2. I’m looking for brands, not types of cocktails, so answers like the Harvey Wallbanger and the Pousse Café do not count.

As always, one entry per post.

And let me suggest that this would be a golden opportunity for lurker to emerge from the shadows and claim the championship belt, if only fleetingly.

I begin with the only Humble Pie song that I really like: “30 Days in the Hole” – New Castle Brown.

Nov 042011

(Image from

Among your fellow Townsfolks, based on their general responses to threads over the years:

  • Who’s tastes do you think most match your own?
  • Who’s tastes do you think are least like yours?
  • Who would you most like to make you a mix CD in the hopes of hearing something interesting that you hadn’t heard before?

Lurkers and dormant Townspeople, please feel free to chime in. You know we’d love to hear from you.


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