Rock Town Hall welcomes the return of rock concert etiquette expert Dear Crabby. Well-known to concertgoers around the world for the gentle tap on the shoulder she applies before politely notifying overly enthusiastic fans, underappreciated artists, and overworked venue staff of behavior that crosses the line of civil rock behavior, Dear Crabby is an exclusive feature of Rock Town Hall. Today Dear Crabby fields a question about backstage pass behavior and encourages readers to chime in with their own advice and experiences.
Nothing beats live music, but more and more I’m dismayed by acts of impolite behavior among audience members, performers, and venue staff. It’s my mission to bring these acts to light—and to suggest ways in which these individuals might better behave themselves in the future. I welcome the opportunity to field your questions and trade insights and advice on these important matters. After the jump is an offlist message I received from a musician I hold in high esteem. I will invite you to help me counsel him. In the coming months, if you find yourself in need of guidance over matters related to the live music experience, please feel free to write me at my personal e-mail address:
DearCrabby [at] rocktownhall [dot] com
I will ensure your anonymity is preserved during the public discussion that will ensue. Thank you. Now on with today’s letter!