garlic salt

garlic salt

Jul 012021

From the great “Billy Powell on piano” to the humble screaming the word “guitar”, solo introductions have always been a part of rock and roll. A great introduction can boost a good solo to great and really add some kick to the song.

Some of my personal favorites have to be Justin Hawkins of The Darkness yelling “GUITAR” to kick off the lead in “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” featured below

This normally wouldn’t be special, but it came out in 2003. I feel like this a preserving the magic of a bygone age, and therefore it earns a spot on my list. It’s short, sweet, and gets the job done.

I’m also going to throw in Jimi Hendrix’s “I gave her the gun, I shot her”, and the subsequent “shoot her for me one more time” in “Hey Joe”

Now that I’ve given my examples, I’d like to hear some more from you guys. What introduction really boosted a lead to the next level? Alternatively, what was a time when someone really just needed to shut up and play? I look forward to listening.

Apr 202021

I want to get more philosophical today and talk about what makes a band a band. The title is a reference to the Ship of Theseus, which I’ll throw a Wikipedia link to in case anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about: Essentially the question I’m asking here is as follows: At what point does a band stop becoming the same band? I have a few theories and I’d love to hear what either you guys have to say or if you have any other theories.

Theory #1: The Same Name, Same Band Theory

This one is fairly easy to follow, if the group has the same name it’s the same band. No matter what personnel changes are made, the band is the same as long as it keeps the name it started with.

Theory #2: The Integral Member Theory

There are some bands that just wouldn’t be the same without one specific member. What springs to mind for me when thinking of this is Kim Deal of The Pixies. As the old adage goes; without Kim, there’s no Deal.

Theory #3: The Majority Replacement Theory

This theory is also fairly easy, if the majority of members of the band are replaced or changed out, it is no longer the same band.

Theory #4: The Original Purity Theory

The most hardline of the theories that I can think of. If there are any changes to the band’s lineup, no matter how small, it is no longer the same band.

So get to work rock philosophers, and solve the question that we have all been asking for ages.

Mar 142021

Let’s take a break from talking about the quality of certain artists and whether cheese is palatable or not and talk about what everyone really cares about: aesthetics. Who cares if you have technical skill if you’re not looking snazzy while doing it. In all seriousness, I’d love to hear what your opinions are on some of the best looking or coolest guitars, basses, drums, or whatever other instruments are.

I suppose it wouldn’t be fair for me to ask without contributing something, so I’m going to give two. First would be this weird Strat that Todd Mohr is using here. I don’t know if I actually like the upside down headstock and f-hole on the Strat, or if it’s just so weird that I can’t help but admire it.

Second has to be all this custom synth housing in the Crowded House live-from-home video. The arrangement of it all and the variety of sound that you can get from shoving different electronics in the same body is interesting. Again, I have my doubts about this one, but I admire his commitment to finding a style that works for him and hammering it into the ground.

That’s enough out of me and my takes, I’d like to hear everyone else’s.


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