With this post, we inaugurate a new running series in the Halls of Rock Town, in which we collectively examine a single, stand-out performance, to focus on and assess its “mach schau” factor. To kick things off, I bring you Tom Jones in 1969, doing what he did best: moovin’, groovin’ and making women get all twitchy *down there*.
I once read an insightful comment comparing Elvis to Tom Jones, suggesting that Elvis had all the talent he needed to be a great soul singer, but all he ever wanted was to achieve whitebread success on the stage in Vegas. Tom Jones is/was the opposite: someone who clearly yearned to be a soul shouter, but was blessed with a God-given knack for Vegas-style entertainment excellence. Sometimes I agree with this assessment. When I watch things like this, though, I’m not so sure — and I’m not sure I care!
So join me, won’t you? Watch Tom Jones doing his thing, then tell me: did he or did he not MACH SCHAU?
I look forward to your responses,