

Jul 292008

A quick one while Mod’s away:

While doing some research today, I ran across this video for the AARP’s upcoming convention in Washington, DC. I was ho-humming my way through it when — waitaminnit, is that who I think it is?! That’s LL Cool J! What the f*ck is LL doing manning a booth at the AARP convention? I mean, I know we’re all getting older, but…

Anyhow, the video can be found here: Check out minute marker 1:41. A coveted RTH No-prize to the Townsman who can tell us what is said during the intimate exchange captured on tape.

I look forward to your responses.


Jul 252008

Hey — I got a quick question: there are all kinds of songs that make us play air guitar, or make us reach over to the passenger side to hit an imaginary crash cymbal. I’m also sure more than a few of you have whirled about in the privacy of your homes, wielding the spatula-as-microphone. But — I need to know — which songs make you wish you were thumpin’ the thunderbroom? My faith in the youth of today is restored by the video above, which proves that at least one youngster knows where maximum groove can be found. This song would be right near the top of my bassist wannabe list. How about you?

I look forward to your responses.

Jul 232008

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that my main man Freddie from the Dreamers is winning the “who’s INTO IT” poll, once again proving that Townsmen young and old know a fucking ROCK STAR when they see one!

Come on, MC5/AC/DC/Black Oak Arkansas lovers: *this* is what being really into it looks like!

Jul 212008

Congratulations to Townsman Sammymaudlin for correctly — even if a bit cheesily with that laundry list of mid-80s bands it could’ve been — ID’ing Scot-rockers Big Country. Somewhat reluctantly, I hand over the coveted RTH No-Prize. Congratulations, Sammy!

Greetings! Here’s a quick one for you: who’s the band charging out of the gates with a dreadful cover of this Stones classic (click “MYSTERY DATE,” below)? This is devilishly tough, so I’ll give you a few clues:


1. That’s not the normal lead singer guy on vocals. Obviously, the drummer, or lead guitar guy, or bassist, wanted some face time with the crowd, and this was the best they could muster.

2. It’s entirely possible some of you may have been at this show!



Jul 112008

Folks, earlier today, a woman friend — a married one, at that — forwarded me this link, asking if she ought to feel bad for not knowing what the heck a “bat wing syndrome” was. I assured her that I, too, was clueless, despite the fact that I am in fact a man, with a scrotum. I turn to the Hall for answers. Note that I have no interest in understanding what it means as it pertains to itchy, smelly nut-satchels. I’m more curious to know what it may describe in the world of Rock. Does it describe, perhaps, the way a guitarist might hold his arms out at his sides after delivering a particularly crushing power chord? A bassist’s penchant for pointy guitars? What?

Jul 092008

Oldsters on this list already know the principle behind this ongoing series here at RTH: long story short — I head out to a local thrift store, spend a dollar or two on music I know nothing about, take it home and give it a spin. If it’s good, I share it.

This one is different. The other day, a stack of classic rock 45s turned up at my local Goodwill. Most of it was boring, heard-it-all-before stuff, but buried in the middle of the pile were three Rolling Stones singles I’d never seen before — and they each featured non-album B-sides. Hearing three Stones tracks that were unknown to me seemed worth the 75-cent investment, so I scooped ’em up.

Now, normally, here’s where I opine about how great my finds were. I’m not going to do that this time. Instead, I’m going to summon our resident Stones-o-phile 2000 Man to weigh in on what I found. I really want to know where he sees these numbers landing on the scale of Glimmer Twins Greatness. Of course, I’m interested in everybody else’s thoughts, too — and I further ask each of you the following probing question: What’s your all-time favorite non-LP B-side — from any band?

I look forward to your responses, and I hope these presumably unknown Stones “trackssss” are enlightening.


“Everything’s Turning to Gold”, B-side to “Shattered”

“Think I’m Going Mad”, B-side to “She Was Hot”

“Through the Lonely Nights”, B-side to “It’s Ony Rock and Roll”


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