

Feb 072008

You should be able to spot a least three things in this preview that most definitely do *not* rock. See if you can go for more!

For those of you who want to see this in beautiful high-def clarity, go here:

I look forward to your responses.


Feb 052008

Like most of the rest of you RTH old-timers, I’ve been waiting *years* for our Moderator to explain his feelings about Stevie Wonder. At first, I thought his hostility only focused on Stevie’s sprawling “Songs In the Key Of Life” — we all know of the Moderator’s deep misgivings about real musical *ambition*. But after reading this brief aside about the song “Tuesday Heartbreak,” I’ve finally realized that there may be much that needs explaining — and I feel doing so may result in some much-needed Healing for our Moderator’s soul:

Hrrundi, is “Tuesday Heartbreak” one of those sappy love-songs-to-Jesus-masquerading-as-praise-for-coke-off-a-backing-singer’s-nipples numbers that Stevie’s been known to crank out?

Please, Mod, if only for your own good: share.


Jan 282008

Did “We Are the World” have Sean Lennon? Or Andy Warhol?? Or fucking Crockett and TUBBS??? No it fucking well didn’t! Charity begins at HOME, fucking Michael Jackson!

Yours, enraged,

HVB, Fucking Super Patriot

Jan 282008

Cast your eye over the following photo. There are at least four personalities in it you probably know, and two you should probably recognize right away. The Townsperson who can name the greatest number wins a coveted RTH No-Prize!

Who dat?
Jan 252008

Man, these new band uniforms are BOSS!

Hey, guys and gals! My question today is a simple one: who needs to wear these outfits on stage, and why?

I look forward to your responses!


Jan 232008


I’ll keep this simple: What songs make you cry? I don’t mean a full-on blubber; that shit is hard for dudes. I’ll settle for tunes that fairly consistently make you feel like you might, any second now, bust out into a good sobfest.

I don’t mind sharing: I had the iTunes on shuffle today and heard “Back To Living Again”, from Curtis Mayfield‘s final album, New World Order. Man, did I come close to losing my manly Cry Composure!

Yeah, I admit that I, Mr. Backstory-Is-Bullshit Man, was nearly felled by the notion that Curtis recorded this number while flat on his back, having to record each line individually because he was paralyzed from the neck down. I mean, just… well, God — just listen to those words. What a capstone to a 35-year career of (to steal from Mayfield fanboy Paul Weller) “upfullness.” The dude had been confined to a bed, paralyzed for 7 years. A year later, he’d have a leg amputated due to complications from diabetes, and a year after that, he’d be dead. And in the middle of all that, “Back To Living Again” is what Curtis had to say.


But I gotta tell you, the thing that gets me every time is Aretha Franklin‘s performance. She adored Curtis Mayfield, and I swear you can hear it in her brief cameo at the end there. Shit!

RIP, Curtis Mayfield.


So anyway — what songs make you cry?



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