I thank God — and Townsman Dr. John — that our spirit-numbing, seamy journey through the filthy underbelly of rock and roll has mercifully come to an end. Now, as we COCK our ears to new music, let’s REACH AROUND and shake one another’s hand in a gesture of good, honest friendship. Let’s not reward any JERK OFFering to take this fine blog back DOWN THE DIRTy ROAD from whence we’ve just COME. Yesterday’s posts point down the road to perdition. BUT PLUGGING ourselves into a higher, purer source of content will be our surest bet to stop this site from SUCKING. DICK Vitale, sportscaster-CUM-visionary, once said, “That’s what it takes to win, baby!” He might have been talking about accurately SHOOTING basketBALLS, but he could just as well have been talking about COUNTry, Rock, or any other kind of popular music.

Oh, sure, I hear a TITter COMING up from the cynical nay-sayers among you; but I believe a DEEP PENETRATION of this kind of positive attitude at RTH will result in a GOLDEN SHOWER of blogging riches. And just because S-E-X is off limits shouldn’t throw a WET blanket on things around here. There’s LOADS to talk about! You can talk about which washed-up artists have SHOT THEIR WAD, tease Townsman G48 until he’s forced to UP THE ASSpirin quotient in his daily meds — almost anything goes! And remember, with the Internet at your command, you can SHOOT YOUR quick upLOAD of video and music to RTH any time you like. So get crazy — use your imagination! Argue the merits of a clumsy Ska solo played on a RUSTY TROMBONE; discuss the merits of Katrina & The Waves’ “GOING DOWN to Liverpool”; come down HARD ON the Ron Wood-era Stones album of your choice. Just don’t make the mistake of, you know, talking about fucking or anything.
I look forward to your comments, as long as they’re clean,