In an effort to further the definition-in-progress of Prock, specifically identify what is Prock in this video.

I picked up the new Okkervil River on eMusic last week. I’ve got mixed feelings about it, apparently as I feel ashamed for some reason to find myself enjoying it. But that’s my issue. This song, “Plus Ones”, has a premise I thought some of you might enjoy.
It uses song titles with numbers in them to emphasize a sense of “then what.”
Opening lyric: “No one wants to hear about your 97th tear, so dry your eyes or let it go uncried, my dear”
Loser Rock perhaps, but that’s not the point. The point is that there are a bunch of these number-song references and some of them escape me.
Take a listen and see if you can help sammy escape from the maze before your meal arrives.
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My fellow Townspeople, this is a call to scribe!
On a lark I Googled “online petitions” and found a place that we can actually put one up. I need some help writing it though. Here’s what I have so far:
As the self-proclaimed guardian of all things rock, the music discussion blog Rock Town Hall-
What next?
(No fair telling me that I “need to free my mind instead”.)
This could be a short one. But I was listening to some Mott the Hoople and one of Mick Ralph‘s few contributions came on “Ready For Love“.
Mick took this song with him to Bad Co. and it became a big hit. Can you name other times this happened? (Solo suitcasing doesn’t count.)
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I’m not really much of a lyrics guy, mainly because I have trouble deciphering them (much to the constant amusement of my wife) but once in a while I can make sense of a lyric that I find to be profoundly meaningful. I’m not talking about a good or clever lyric but rather a lyric that impacts, and/or better puts to words, my notion of the big ones: love, life, existence…
The two that sprang to mind when thinking about this are:
“Life is just what happens to you, while your busy making other plans,
“Love’s not a product you can hoard or pack a suitcase with, it’s more a way you have to give.”
What do you got?
The great Citizen Mom shares this. Originally posted on her blog here. (I only hope she forgives me for not making it look as good as she did.)
It took a good five years after its debut on BBC2 for "The Young Ones" to make it all the way across the pond, to where a kid in Philly could finally watch. And even then, it was work — these were the days before the city had cable, necessitating a VCR deal with the kid who sat next to me in homeroom and got MTV at his house in Lafayette Hill.

But dammit, I’d been reading about the British comedy series for years in the import Smash Hits magazines I bought on South Street, and it was time to see what all the fuss was about.
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