As Rock Town Hall gears up for this Sunday’s Oscars extravaganza, I thought we’d take some time to revisit some past movie-related threads. Perhaps when this post first ran Townsman sammymaudlin‘s selection of Fast Times at Ridgemont High was so spot-on for most of us that there was not much to discuss. Perhaps there weren’t enough representative movies. Perhaps Townspeople were tired that day. Perhaps YOU weren’t logged in that day. Now you are, so see if this thread has any legs the second time around.
By the way, if you click on the tag at the bottom of this post that reads “rock movies,” you’ll be transported to a number of movie-related posts we’ve run. The actual Oscars can get boring at times, so these may be a good way to pass the time during the Sound Editing in a Foreign Animated Short Documentary award category, for instance.
This post initially appeared 8/2/08.
For as big a fan as I was (am) of the movie, I don’t remember a single thing about this TV series. Maybe because…
As much as I’d like to say that Dazed & Confused (essentially American Graffiti set in the 70’s) was like my high school years, and my freshman year was close, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, soundtrack and all, was, for better and worse, pretty damn close.
I graduated high school in ’82, same year the movie came out. The soundtrack was so, so, so what was on the Phoenix radio stations then: Jackson Brown, (Henley, Walsh and Felder all have solo tracks), Stevie Nicks, Tom Petty, Poco, Billy Squier, Sammy Hagar, Jimmy Buffet, Quaterflash, The Go-Go’s The Cars… In hindsight the tuness play like a soundtrack to the death of 70’s radio rock and the birth of the 80s.
What say you?