The Back Office

The Back Office

Thank you for your attention.

Oct 262010

Three copies of this DVD have been provided by our pals over at Universal Music to give away. The task is simple: Name (link to if possible) an album COVER that includes a naked bum on it. Male, female…this contest swings both ways. We’ve installed a PlugIn called “Comment Timeout” and  have set the comments to close at a time only known to us here in The Back Office.  As this contest is pretty much automated the Guest Judge will be…

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Oct 092010

Sometime today/tonight we’re going to attempt a monumental Back Office feat. Our goal is to move RTH off of the old and aging current platform onto a bright new shiny one. There will certainly be hitches some of which we are already aware of and will address as soon as possible but there will be others. Hopefully the ability to login and comment will remain active and we can use this thread to point out issues. In the unlikely case that login and/or comment is unavailable we will post updates here on the Main Stage to keep you up to date. In the even more unlikely case that the site is down altogether, please refer to the RTH Facebook page for updates:!/pages/Rock-Town-Hall/158988548773

Note that anytime over the next 24-48 hours comments and posts made may not make it to the new platform. Sadly this Foreigner vid will.

Thank you for your attention.

Sep 222010

Universal Music came back this afternoon (I don’t think they slept) and we just picked up the party where we left off. And they’re like “Hey” how about we get our rocks off and toss in a sweet DVD of The Stooooooones circa Exile babies?! And we’re all like, yeah babies, let’s let it loose. STOOOOOOOOOONES! Then we clapped our hands on each side of our heads and did another line, soft drink.

Now all we have to do in The Back Office is figure out what the hell kind of contest involves both The Stones and The Gin Blossoms. Any ideas?

In the meantime, you can pre-order this bitch here:
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Sep 212010

Universal Music dropped by The Back Office this weekend and I found a greatly appreciated little pouch tucked inside the new Gin Blossom’s CD.

No Chocolate Cake releasing September 28, 2010. Eleven new tracks written, produced, and performed by the band with the help of Danny Wilde (The Rembrandts). The first single is “Miss Disarray” and it’s been getting great reception. Fans can also download another new track off the album, “Somewhere Tonight”, at as well.

Miss Disarray:

Stay tuned in the coming days on you can win a copy.

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Aug 162010

New RTH-BFF, Universal Music is back. This time they sent us a CD copy of Roy Orbison: The Last Concert (December 4, 1988). More info on the CD after the fold.

So we’re going to do a Last Man Standing that has an actual bonafide prize for the winner. That’s right “bragging rights” AND an Orbison CD. Who’s your daddy?!

Drill is simple. Name a rock musician known for wearing glasses. Not sunglasses. Glasses. The more identifiable the glasses with the artist the better.

The Back Office along with guest judge, Soft Cell’s Marc Almond (photo not available) will have final verdict. Deadline 2am Tuesday morning PST. So if you’ve got an ace-in-the-hole you best set your alarm or party on through.

Marc can only think of two others. You gonna let Soft Cell’s Marc Almond (photo not available) one up you?!


More about the CD.
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Aug 032010

Mr. Moderator is out of pocket so it’s up to us to TCB while he’s gone. If you’ve got keys to The Back Office feel free to draft something up and let us know at thebackoffice[at] and we’ll publish it. Please no salicious, gratuitous excuses for sexual inuendo or soft core porn. We don’t want to get in trouble when he returns!
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