Aug 112007
Man! I’d never heard of Barbara Lynn until catching a little bit of an American Routes episode that Townsmen Meanstom and BigSteve discussed a couple of weeks ago. BigSteve sent me a collection of her work, and rather than pretend I know anything about the artist in the week I’ve been digging her stuff, how about if I simply post a few tracks for you to savor?
Thanks for hooking me up with this stuff, guys.
A black woman from the 60s whangin’ on a Tele is weird; having a dude in the band playing a *Rickenbacker* is even weirder!
I think I am forever doomed to get Barbara Lynn (whom I know only for “You’re Gonna Lose A Good Thing”) and Barbara Lewis (who did the almighty “Hello Stranger”) mixed up in my head.
I used to always mix her up with Barbara George of “I Know (You Don’t Love Me No More)” fame.
Thanks for the clip, Jim. She’s does look cool playing that lefty Tele pickless, as it was meant to be played.
These songs strike me as well-crated but not particularly memorable. I can take ’em or leave ’em.