I too was listening to Breakfast With The Beatles this morning and they brought up the “you can hear the air conditioning turn on” thing about the final chord in A Day In The Life. They said you can really only hear it on the wax version. They extracted it and played it and indeed there is something there. They only played it once and I wanted to hear it again so I grabbed my wax and replicated their experiment.
Here is the piano chord as it is played on the original wax. The only change I made was to slowly increase the volume from the beginning to the end so you probably won’t need to crank it up. At about 32 seconds in (3/4ths), you can hear something that just sounds like a pop or scratch:
Take 1
I isolated this bit, maximized the volume and doubled up the tracks and got this. You may need to turn it up a bit to hear it:
Take 2
Interesting right? Maybe, if you’ve never heard this story before. But wait! Then I quadrupled the tracks and slowed them down to 75%. And listen to what is there!:
Take 3
is that a toilet flushing? NICE!
excellent work!
Dude! That is some funny, uh, shit! Well done — although you really should have conducted your experiments under the auspices of the RTH Laboratories. If nothing else, you would’ve gotten a cool lab coat out of the deal.
Mr. Mod — any luck translating my recent Powerpoint conspiracy evidence into a .jpg or some other RTH-friendly format?
Thanks, for the reminder, Hrrundi. I’ll get to it soon.
This is an important breakthrough.
Awesome! I knew Pete Townsend was there when they were recording.
That was William Cambell flushing the toilet, right?
You really need to get a life!