Jan 222009

Townsman 2000 Man, have you seen this guy?


  4 Responses to “Being Mick Jagger”

  1. 2000 Man

    That’s pretty funny. I have to give him credit. As often as he gets ripped on for being cheap and stuck up, he seems to have a pretty good sense of humor. That little kid’s great.

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Wonder what show that bit is from?

  3. dbuskirk

    It’s from RUNNING OUT OF LUCK, a long form video directed by Julien Temple tied in to Mick’s SHE’S THE BOSS LP. His warm-up the FREEJACK I suppose.

  4. 2000 Man

    Did you see that video, db? It’s not bad when the music videos aren’t on, but the music videos take up the vast majority of the short movie. It was pretty ambitious, but for whatever reason, Mick released She’s the Boss, pretty much let it fall out of the charts and then released the movie. Things may have been way different if he had released them both at the same time.

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