Say "Cheese!"
It just occurred to me that we missed the opportunity to celebrate our 4th anniversary of Rock Town Hall in blog form. We launched this open-forum on January 12, 2007. Membership ranks and daily visitors have mushroomed since that time. Most importantly, I think a lot of folks have found this place a useful outlet for stuff not easily shared in the office and other “respectable circles.”
Of course the Hall stretches back a few years prior to that, as a private Yahoo Groups list. That was a blast, too, but it was time to push things forward. There’s been a lot of blogging over the last 4 years; tons of spirited, knowledgeable comments; new music friendships established; and only the rare, totally nasty and personal flame war that can make these places a drag. There’s not much to say that I don’t say on a daily basis. Congrats and thanks to all of you, new and old. We welcome your push into our 5th year.
Well, even though I continue to have my doubts about this new version, I will reiterate that it LOOKS better than the yahoo group version.
Depending on how the stats are tallied (excluding spam attempts and the rare, deleted flame comment), I believe one of you posted our 50,000th comment this week.
Hurrah and happy 4th Birthday. I gave you guys a shout on twitter today. BTW if you haven’t yet, why not catch an earful of our latest podcast: Robin Trower (my old neighbour), Depeche Mode and a load of other Southenders are on the playlist…
Here if you fancy a punt
Or via itunes
It’s hard to believe it’s been four years. Time flies when you’re having fun.
Well, happy birthday to RTH, then!
I found this video, somewhat at random, an interview with the filmmaker of “Rock and roll heart” –
I, for one, would like to know more about the rare, deleted flame comments. Who are they going after? Is it HVB? It’s HVB, isn’t it? Yeah, you don’t have to say anything, it’s him.