Jan 082009

I think this iconic image needs a proper caption, don’t you? But what exactly would that be?
You may focus on dialog, fan commentary from the adoring audience below, pithy academic observations about the subject matter — whatever you choose; but we need a caption!
I look forward to your responses.
“Fake attack”
Schon prepares to flick ladybug from his G string to his mouth.
“Turkey Sandwich, you’re gonna be mine!”
Does this make my mustache look longer?
“Excuse me, Sir. Would you pleeease stop hovering over us like that? Your scaring the children and we just want to have our picnic in peace”.
“This note represents the pain I feel when Nathan Katrud hits on my girlfriend..”
Oh, string. Oh, extremely high tweedly-tweedly note, how I love you! Soon… In a moment … in one precious moment … I will strike downwards on you, precious string, bending upwards and grimacing. As the tweedly-tweedly sound you make, string, burns a white-hot hole up to the heavens, I will know what it is to be alive. I will become one with my music, extremely high tweedly-tweedly note; and together, we will, at once, become creators and destroyers of the purest musical energy. Now, string. NOW, I strike you, and release your life essence. NOW, I rejoice in all you have given me. NOW, I thank you and love you and obey you and curse you and adore you. NOW, string. NOW.
“Aaack!! A bug flew in my mouth!”
“Suck on THIS, Magic Dick!”
After the initial adjustment period, guitarist John Thomas discovered that his Les Paul Custom, fitted to the exact dimensions that made up his former codpiece, could indeed achieve orgasm at the climax of the Freebird solo.
Ahhhhhhhh, that chick who’s singing lead for my band is a dude!
After quickly coming to the realization that playing his beloved ’58 Les Paul was not sufficient to distract him from the prostate exam, Neil Schon made a decision to seek future medical care from someone aside from Dr. Chorizofinger.
hvb, in your first post, your *definitely* projecting how YOU feel when YOU make that face, i just know it!!!
but that IS, my friend, the best post in this thread! After reading it, I can’t even submit my own entry, which would’ve paled in comparison…
nice work.
These tasty licks are making me hungry! mmmmm…ham sandwich!
Oh, YEAH! This feels so much better than that bass-playin’ earth mother I used to be before Dr. Chrizofinger helped me.
FOR THE RECORD I plan on making full use of this “Dr. Chorizofinger” term. Need a band to do a better job “bringin’ it” in the studio? Threaten tham with Dr. Chorizofinger! Want to describe a moment in a song when the band finally “kicks in” and seizes the groove by the nut-satchel? That’s the “Dr. Chorizofinger moment.”
Come to think of it, maybe this guy *is* Dr. Chorizofinger.
Hrrundi, this new doctor in town may require a Glossary entry when you’ve got his use in the studio worked out. Think about it.
In all the excitement I forgot if this is the 6,705th or 6,706th time I’ve played this EXACT SAME smothersnackin’ lead…
– oh well –
(apologies to hvb for outright theft – er – appropriation of erstwhile intellectual property!)