Dec 232012
John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” and Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmas Time.” Amazing, isn’t it, that the John vs. Paul thing can be expressed so perfectly in the Christmas songs that each released.
John’s anti-religion (“Xmas” instead of Christmas), anti-war, thought-provoking song:
Paul’s silly love song, holiday edition”
I think John’s song is the better, more creative, more distinctive one but, damned, if I’m not singing along every time Paul’s comes over the radio waves.
How about you?

No contest, it has to be Lennon. Some years ago I was talked into dressing as Santa for a local charity. My “sleigh” was equipped with a microphone, a large bag of sweets for the kids & a tape of popular Xmas hits. I was getting into the “Ho, Ho, Ho’s” when “Happy Xmas” came around. I could not resist adding Santa’s congratulations to the local community on the “end of war”.
Here’s an early version of Macca’s hit.
Happy Xmas to all at RTH
Paul’s song would merit consideration on the basis of its charm alone if it ended after 90 seconds. Lennon’s tune features one of Yoko’s finest vocals.
John’s song for sure. Interesting point about Yoko’s vocal, Mod! And LHB that’s a funny little video there. I think Paul did this song on SNL last week, and I remember thinking, “really?”.
Happy Xmas, everyone.
I know this argument is weak, but if anyone else other than McCartney had released that 20 dollar Casio synthy thing it would have been forgotten long ago.
I’m voting for the holiday cheese ball. That McCartney song is horrible but catchy. I guess at Christmas and the holidays, I’d prefer to enjoy food/drink and the company of friends/family rather than continue the Anti This and Anti That rhetoric of the rest of the year. Lennon’s song may be the better tune, but I could only get 49 seconds into the video before I had to switch it off.
Lennon’s song “Xmas war is over is my pick. Wonder how it reminded me of “Imagine” besides me. The lyric imagine no religion and it being song urging peace.
I’ll say Lennon, but that part where Linda and Paul are imitating the children singing is almost weird enough to wait for, not quite, but almost. Holy crap, indeed.
I wonder if there’s anything I’d vote for Paul over John for, except maybe for bass playing and longevity.
You guys are all mad. Paul’s song is frothy, but it’s catchy and — dare I say it? — actually kind of avant with that weird, drum-less, out-of-synch-delay, cheeseball keyboard. Mod is right about it being about 90 seconds too long, but it blows “Happy Xmas” out of the water. Lennon’s tune — even without that video — is overwrought and otherwise boring. I can’t imagine ever listening to it on purpose.
I have spoken.