Oct 012008

Today marks the awarding of our second monthly Comment of the Month honors. It’s funny how the best and brightest comments emerge from our discussions each month. There were plenty of worthy candidates in the “stretch drive” over the last week of September, in particular, but our winner culminated from an off-topic discussion that took place within a completely unrelated main thread.

Somehow, while reflecting on the death of Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright, we got to talking about the Main Stage rotating banner image featuring the olde-fashioned cotton undies of a young Linda Rondstadt. cdm brought it up, but it wasn’t until this clarification that we could zone in on the specific image he had in mind.

The tension mounted in what was clearly a fierce play for mid-month consideration for these honors. Then a Townsperson stepped forward with what we’re honoring today as the winning comment!

Let’s get to the bottom of this…

Our winning comment can be found at the top of the linked page, here!

Congratulations, The Great 48, you have posted the Comment of the Month for September 2008!

Last month’s winner!


  5 Responses to “Comment of the Month: September Winner Drops Unexpectedly”

  1. Thank you. You’re too kind.

    However, until I saw the full photo, I’d had no idea that was a rear view. I am as yet undecided as to whether that makes the placement of the Cantonese chicken foot more or less disturbing.

  2. trolleyvox

    There hasn’t been an all-star jam lately, so I’ll drop a completely unrelated thought here:

    I went to the Bob Pollard show in Philly two nights ago, and a friend pointed out something rather disturbing. Pollard’s in-between-song mannerisms, facial expressions and timing, were alarmingly similar to those of George W. Bush when Bush is in joke-telling mode. It was kind of freaky. Oddly, those ticks seemed to fade as he consumed more alcohol through the evening.

  3. So all we have to do is get Shrub back on the sauce! Excellent! Why didn’t someone figure this out eight years ago?

  4. Congratulations, oh Great One.

    I would only add that Hurrndi should get the silver for his Rory Gallagher on Boxing Day comment.

  5. I was confused by that whole exchange. Isn’t there a good picture of Rondstadt that rotates up top where she’s wearing junior high school gym shorts? Never understood the chicken foot reference to that. Now I get it. I thought the silver mini-skirt photo was a front close-up of Iggy Pop wearing woman’s clothes. Seemed like a photo he would have promoted.

    And I thought the straining face was the cartoon from that Blasters album. That’s Rory Gallagher?

    Those images are a campaign in disinformation.

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