Jun 072009

The wisdom of The Hall continues to amaze me. For as many knowledgeable individuals who dazzle with their rock knowledge, it is the collective wisdom of our participants that I find most dazzling.

It is in this spirit that I want to allow for further amazement—not only for the people but by the people.

As originally described, the concept is simple. This is a place to seek specific wisdom from the collective intelligence. These are not to be philosophical queries but rather to seek advice and wisdom on specific rock questions. It may be a place to seek listening and purchasing recommendations.

Today I have a simple request, for The Orockle, one that may spark lengthy conversation, or not, but will hopefully illicit some sage advice.

As always, when any of us consult The Orockle, the opportunity exists for folks to ask similar questions and receive similar advice. The topic shouldn’t necessarily focus just on my topic.

Here’s the question I would like to ask The Orockle:

Whatever happened to the guy who was the leader of Beulah?

Furthermore, whatever happened to [insert name of musician or band that is on your mind]?

We’ve all got our share of beloved, under-the-radar artists, the kind who don’t merit updates on Rolling Stone or Pitchfork – or if they do, maybe we don’t read those publications and may have missed on an obvious answer to this question. We may even be wondering whatever happened to an artist that you wouldn’t expect anyone to know outside of your hometown. I’ll be amazed, but not surprised, when the Orockle has an answer. Try it!


  4 Responses to “Consult the Orockle: Whatever Happened to…?”

  1. Answer: poor health is keeping him under wraps.

    Miles Kurosky (former Beulah frontman) has had multiple kidney and shoulder surgeries that are delaying his solo record. He has an intestinal disease of some kind, too. He has few tracks up on his MySpace though:


    He said a little over a year ago that mostly all he needed was to master it, but well, it’s been a year.

    Here’s an interview from around then:

    Beulah’s news page calls Miles’ solo record his own personal Chinese Democracy. http://www.beulahmania.com/news/news.html

    See also this link:

    I keed! I keed!

  2. Mr. Moderator

    Thank you, Orockle. I’d heard he’d been working through some health issues a couple of years ago, but I didn’t realize they were lingering. That’s too bad. I like my Beulah albums a lot and have been waiting to hear new tunes from that guy.

  3. Whatever happened to Chad Clark, of DC band Beauty Pill? I know that he had heart surgery in Feb. 2008, and that the surgery was a success. But there’s been no word of his subsequent condition, or of the band’s status. Anyone?

  4. That one’s tougher. Chad Clark supposedly runs the Beauty Pill MySpace page himself, though, and it says that account has logged in as recently as today. If you’re a fan, why not send him a message via the MySpaces and let us know what you hear back?

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