Feb 232007

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Heather Mills, estranged wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney, has joined the next group of celebrities who will strut their stuff on the ABC television hit “Dancing with the Stars,” the network said on Wednesday.

Kudos to the new agency that reported this for dropping the “Sir” and avoiding use of that horrible British nickname “Macca.”


  7 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars Provides Rare Opportunity for Beatles Fans to Express Insensitivity Toward the Handicapped”

  1. Yesterday, I said they should make her dance to “When I’m Sixty-Four”. But today, I’m thinking it should be “Your Mother Should Know”, or maybe “Silly Love Songs”.

  2. I never understood that Macca bit, it always made me feel like he was in the Temple of Doom or something whenever I said it out loud. The Sir on the other hand, makes me think of Sir Cedric’s fish n’ chips. Like Sir McCartney could get me some. I’m kidding. I can really see Paul on Dancing with the Stars though, just like Elton John on AI… He’s that kind of celebrity now. Whatever “that” means.

  3. Can we get a vote for Paul over Heather here? Who’s this Heather girl, anyway? I’m kidding.

  4. Yesterday, I said they should make her dance to “When I’m Sixty-Four”. But today, I’m thinking it should be “Your Mother Should Know”, or maybe “Silly Love Songs”.

    Oh! Oh! Oh! How about making her dance to “Heather” AND sing the do-do-do parts from Paul’s album Driving Rain;) Pure torture, I tell you. And how’s she going to hold up on that leg? I shouldn’t have said that. Someone stop me.

  5. p.s. I just noticed the Headline… making me laugh (in a very insensitive way)

  6. Or she and her dance partner could adopt the song “3 Legs” from McCarney’s Ram as their signature tune.

  7. sammymaudlin

    Or how about that early Wings song, from the UK version of Venus & Mars, “I’d Like to Bang A One-Legged Bird”? I think you can only find it now on some sort of a Rhino deluxe box-set.

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